Pavel Durov, the Russian-born founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, remains in custody in France as part of an investigation into various crimes, including child pornography, drug trafficking, and fraudulent transactions on the platform, prosecutors confirmed on Tuesday. Durov was detained at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on Saturday evening, and the investigation is probing suspected complicity in these crimes, as well as running an online platform that facilitates illicit activities, refusing to share information with authorities, money laundering, and providing cryptographic services to criminals.
French President Emmanuel Macron provided the first official confirmation of Durov’s arrest, emphasizing that the detention had no political motive despite numerous false claims circulating online. Macron stated that France is firmly committed to lawful free speech, saying, "The arrest of the Telegram president on French territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. This is in no way a political decision. It is up to the judges to decide," Macron wrote on X.
Paris prosecutor Laure Beccuau later elaborated that Durov was arrested as part of a cybercrime probe launched by her office on July 8. Durov could remain in custody until Wednesday, according to officials. Reuters was unable to reach a lawyer representing Durov for comment.
Telegram, a widely-used messaging and social media application similar to WhatsApp, boasts nearly 1 billion users and holds significant influence in Russia, Ukraine, and other former Soviet Union republics. Durov’s arrest has drawn criticism from X owner Elon Musk, who claimed that free speech in Europe is under threat. Additionally, Moscow has called on French authorities to ensure that Durov’s rights are respected.
Tensions between France and Russia have been escalating in recent months, with French authorities accusing Russia of attempting to destabilize the country ahead of the Paris Olympics, a charge that Russia denies.
Durov, a 39-year-old billionaire often compared to “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg,” holds dual French and United Arab Emirates citizenship. The UAE foreign ministry issued its first comment on the matter, stating that it had requested France to "provide him with all the necessary consular services in an urgent manner."
Forbes estimates Durov’s fortune at $15.5 billion. In April, Durov revealed that certain governments had tried to pressure him, but insisted that Telegram should remain a neutral platform, not a "player in geopolitics."
Telegram has not provided details about Durov’s arrest but insisted that the Dubai-based company adheres to European Union laws, adding that its moderation practices are "within industry standards and constantly improving." The company stated, "Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe. It is absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform."
The Kremlin responded on Monday, stating that it had yet to receive any official accusations against Durov from French authorities. "We do not yet know what exactly Durov is accused of," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said during a briefing. "With what exactly are they trying to incriminate Durov? Without (knowing), it would probably be wrong to make any statements."
The Russian embassy in Paris reported on X that French authorities had refused its requests for consular access to Durov but confirmed that it is in contact with his lawyer. The embassy did not respond to additional requests for comment.
Durov, a self-professed libertarian, founded Telegram after leaving Russia in 2014, following his refusal to comply with government demands to shut down opposition communities on his VK social media platform, which he has since sold. He obtained French citizenship in 2021 through a rare fast-track procedure typically reserved for high-profile foreigners, bypassing usual requirements like residing in the country for at least five years.
The French foreign ministry, which oversees this citizenship procedure, did not respond to a request for comment. The Elysee presidential office also declined to comment, referring queries to the foreign ministry. Under French law, any foreigner can be granted citizenship under special rules if they speak French and "contribute through their outstanding work to France’s influence and the prosperity of its international economic relations."
Durov has never lived in France, and the nature of his special connection to the country remains unclear. On June 10, Durov posted on his Telegram channel, "As a French citizen, I agree that France is the best holiday destination."
The naturalization procedure Durov underwent is highly uncommon, with only 10-20 cases processed each year, each requiring high-level political support, according to local media. In 2018, Evan Spiegel, co-founder of Snap, the maker of Snapchat, received French citizenship under the same program, as reported by local media. Snap did not respond to requests for comment.
In addition to his French and UAE citizenships, Durov is reported by Russian state media to also hold citizenships of Russia and St. Kitts and Nevis, though Reuters was unable to verify these reports.