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Sweden Extends Internal Border Controls for an Additional 6 Months

Flexi Group

Until May 11, 2023, Sweden will continue to conduct border checks on travellers entering its territory from other Schengen Area nations for at least another six months. Today, November 11, the terms were supposed to expire.

The rope is tightening around the perpetual plague of Greek society, which is tax evasion, in an effort to increase tax revenues during a crucial era for the nation.

The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) has adopted a number of actions that are beginning to unfold sequentially and dramatically restrict the operating space of professional tax evaders.

Important projects will be implemented in 2023, the most significant of which is the integration of cash registers with POS terminals and taxis.

On this basis, all data from the issuing of receipts will be transferred in real time to the tax control system. As a consequence, the Authority will have a much clearer picture, and enterprises and professionals will be aware that concealing income and VAT is exceedingly difficult.

According to current plans, the internet interconnection of cash registers and POS terminals is anticipated to commence in 2023.

With the new system, tax authorities will have a complete view of the quantity and timing of retail sales receipt issuance, as well as the method of payment by the consumer, allowing them to discover situations of income concealment and VAT theft by merchants who do not give receipts.

From the controls conducted by the control mechanism, it has been determined that many establishments do not issue retail receipts for transactions involving credit or debit cards.

In other words, despite the fact that the POS approves the transaction, the shopkeeper either does not produce a receipt or issues a receipt for a small amount.

Starting in the new year, cash registers and point-of-sale terminals will be "one flesh," storing all data in real time and permitting immediate cross-checking by control mechanisms.

The new system is called "Retail Issuing Systems and Payment Card Acceptance Terminals (EFT POS) Interface".

For debit transactions, payment card acceptance terminals (EFT POS) will not be permitted to operate independently. Thus, it will not be possible to manually enter the payment amount for card transactions.

The sum will be deducted from the cash register.

In addition, it is intended to extend the mandatory installation of POS electronic payment systems to nearly all branches of independent professionals and businesses.

Several business sectors, such as gyms, tutoring centres, parking lots, movie theatres, and car rentals, are exempt from the requirement to use a point-of-sale system today.

The end of the year also marks the beginning of a crucial market intersection.

Large corporations that maintain duplicate accounting records will submit pre-filled VAT returns.

Beginning with the November VAT, which is paid when December disclosures are received.

Then, using the myDATA e-books, the VAT declarations will be automatically filled in.

Beginning in 2023, the second phase will see the automated system "operating" for small and medium-sized businesses and professionals with aplographic books who file quarterly VAT reports.

Initially, the system will not be locked.

Codes will be subject to change, and accounting offices will be responsible for any necessary modifications if they do not correspond to the data recorded in myDATA.

Prevent the loss of income.

In the next phase, using cash from the Recovery Fund, an attempt will be made to erect a second barrier against the public's massive revenue loss from consumption, categorization, and VAT taxes.

In particular, the customs authorities acquire new control and prosecution tools, which will be online-connected to the logistics monitoring systems, will monitor ships in real time, will be connected to Embassies and will extract data on relocations, and will inspect vehicles with foreign licence plates.

The intervention would involve the digitization of customs services and the connectivity of all relevant agencies for the comprehensive online monitoring of all phases of the movement of goods.

The project entitled "Development of new electronic Customs Services" will be funded with 179,617 million euros from the Recovery Fund.

The new control tools that have been introduced to the IAPR quiver, such as Appodixi and ElenxisLive, which allow the fan of controls to be opened, should be added to the aforementioned.



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