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$ 121 billion of Western banks trapped in Russia

Flexi Group

The exposure of American financial institutions is significantly lower than that of European financial institutions.

European banks have a significant amount of exposure to the Russian Federation, while the Western financial sector as a whole has experienced growth of more than $ 121 billion in recent years.

The withdrawal of American megabanks from Russia has begun, owing to the fact that the losses are significantly smaller.

According to data from the Bank for International Settlements, which was cited by CNN, European banks, particularly French, Italian, and Austrian institutions, have a high level of exposure to Russia.

The total amount of money that European banks are exposed to is estimated to be $84 billion.

  • 21 billion dollars in assets under management at Societe Generale

  • UniCredit has a € 7.4 billion

  • BNP Paribas has € 3 billion (In Russia and Ukraine)

  • Deutsche Bank has a € 1.4 billion

  • 1 billion dollars from Credit Suisse (Switzerland).

Clearly, the exposure of American banks, which have begun to withdraw their operations from the Russian Federation, is lower than previously thought.

Companies like JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs have already done so.

The total amount of money that US banks have invested in Russia is estimated to be $14.7 billion. Among the financial institutions exposed is Citigroup with a $ 10 billion stake, while Goldman Sachs has a stake worth only $ 650 million dollars.



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